How to Perfectly prep for your spray tan
Proper preparation before your spray tan appointment is the most important step to ensure a flawless application and long lasting glow. There are so many things, little and big, that can ultimately make or break the perfect spray tan. Let’s dive into how you can be spray tan ready the day of your appointment.
First, make sure to have your other beauty services done before your spray tan appointment. That goes for hair, nails, facials, massages, waxing, and any services that will be applying products to your skin. These types of services can have different ingredients and chemicals that can affect the applications of your tan. I recommend having these services done 24-48 hours prior to your spray tan to allow your skin time to be properly cleansed of any other products.
On that same note, you will want to make sure you exfoliate and shave at least 12-24 hours prior to your appointment, with an oil-free exfoliant and body wash. A spray tan’s biggest enemy is Dove. Dove and many other brands contain an ingredient, MINERAL OIL, that you will want to COMPLETELY AVOID before AND after your tan, as it creates a film on the skin that will not allow the tanning products to properly absorb and stay on your skin. Follow up this shower with an oil-free lotion.
The day of your appointment, make sure your skin is clean and free of any makeup, deodorant, perfume, moisturizers, and oils, as they will affect the application process and can lead to an uneven tan. If you were unable to remove these prior, please make sure to let me know and I will take the proper steps to ensure a smooth application of your tan.
You will want to wear loose fitting, dark clothing before and after your appointment. Avoid wearing items that can cause friction on the skin such as bras, sneakers, jeans, etc.
And lastly, ladies, it is up to you and your comfortability on what you’d like to wear during your appointment. You can wear undergarments, a dark swimsuit, completely nude, or use disposable nipple covers/ underwear that I will have on hand during your appointment. For men, you must wear undergarments, shorts, or a swimsuit.
With that being said, you are now ready to go and have a beautiful base for the perfect spray tan!
If you have any questions, please contact us!