Why Spray Tan Over A Sun Tan?
In the last 20 years, the spray tanning industry has developed exponentially. A lot of people still have the image in their head of a walking orange nightmare coming out of the Mystic Tan booth when they first became popularized. Thankfully, in recent years, tanning solutions have become much more advanced with their color bases and formulas, in which Spray Tan Artists are able to curate a perfectly colored tan for your skin’s specific undertones and needs. This gives myself, and other spray tan artists the ability to provide clients with tans that look effortlessly natural without the negative effects of tanning in the sun, or in a tanning bed.
The most important reason to ditch the sun and stick to the spray, is keeping your skin and body healthy. Tanning outdoors or in a tanning bed can potentially cause premature aging, weaken your immune system, damage your eyes, and skin’s DNA, which can ultimately lead to skin cancer and other harmful diseases. According to the CDC, a majority of skin cancers are caused by the overexposure of UV light rays. Choosing a spray tan could quite literally save your life! Not only are you saving your skin from damage, but many spray tan solution brands, like the ones I carry, have different skin renewing additives that will benefit your skin.
Another advantage of spray tanning is the customization of the results. Spray tanning solutions have a wide range of deepness levels for you to be able to choose what kind of glow you are going for. It can be extremely difficult, and take multiple tanning sessions to achieve and keep your desired tan when you choose to lay in the sun or tanning bed. Spray tans also eliminate the pain of unwanted tan lines and missing specific areas that the UV rays won’t hit. You leave with a smooth, beautifully even tan within minutes!
Spray tans are so quick and easy. A majority of people do not have the time or patience throughout their busy week to achieve a sun tan. Spray tan appointments average at 20-30 minutes, only take 24 hours for the color to be fully developed, and lasts you around 7-10 days. Doesn’t get much better than that! Give us a call at Beachside Bronze Spray Tanning to schedule your session today!